1. Be Appropriate: We do not accept any form of nudity. This includes photos, videos, and some digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, bare skin, and close-ups of fully-nude buttocks. Avoid graphic images, images that glorify graphic violence or sadistic intent.
  2. Share responsibility, including all voices in the conversation: If you tend to have a lot to say, make sure you leave sufficient space to hear from others. If you tend to stay quiet in group discussions, challenge yourself to contribute so others can learn from you**.**
  3. Listen respectfully. Don’t interrupt, turn to technology, or engage in private conversations while others are speaking. Use attentive, courteous body language. Comments that you make (whether asking for clarification, sharing critiques, or expanding on a point) should reflect that you have paid attention to the previous speakers’ comments.
  4. Be open to changing your perspectives based on what you learn from others. Try to explore new ideas and possibilities. Think critically about the factors that have shaped your perspectives. Seriously consider points of view that differ from your current thinking.
  5. Understand that we are bound to make mistakes in this space, as anyone does when approaching complex tasks or learning new skills. Strive to see your mistakes and others’ as valuable elements of the learning process.
  6. Understand that your words have effects on others. Speak with care. If you learn that something you’ve said was experienced as disrespectful or marginalizing, listen carefully and try to understand that perspective. Learn how you can do better in the future.
  7. Take pair work or small group work seriously. Remember that your peers’ learning is partly dependent upon your engagement.
  8. Understand that others will come to these discussions with different experiences from yours. Be careful about assumptions and generalizations you make based only on your own experience. Be open to hearing and learning from other perspectives.
  9. Make an effort to get to know other students. Introduce yourself to students sitting near you. Refer to classmates by name and make eye contact with other students.
  10. Understand that there are different approaches to solving problems. If you are uncertain about someone else’s approach, ask a question to explore areas of uncertainty. Listen respectfully to how and why the approach could work.
  11. Avoid racist undertones when interacting with your classmates: As a company that promotes Global Inclusivity, we do not condone any expression of racial segregation in photos, videos, comments or any other form.
  12. No Adverts or Publication: No form of advert or publication will be tolerated on the academy groups and pods. In a case where you feel such a post is important, ask the permission of a Dean or Administrator.


By accepting to be a part of our Academy Program, you also accept that you're now an UnbugQA Ambassador.

  1. Do Not Spam: UnbugQA will not be associated with any form of spamming; hence, we urge you not to do the same. As much as you want to promote yourself, the Academy, or anything related, please do not spam Emails, Inboxes, Comment sections, Posts, Accounts, or any other such platforms.

Do not mislead people to sites that spread harmful software, try to gather personal info or other sites that have a negative impact using the guise of the UnbugQA Academy Program or anything associated with UnbugQA.